The romance of the nation-state. By David Luban Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol.9, No. 4, Summer, 1980,392-297.

The rights of security and subsistence, with which I was concerned, are necessary for the enjoyment of any other rights at all;no one can do without them. Basic rights, therefore are universal. They are no respecters of political boundaries, and require a universalist politics to implement them, even when this means breaching the wall of state sovereignity.p.392

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Political philosophy and the policy studies organization. By Ethan Fishman Political Sciences and Politics, Vol.24, No. 4, Dec., 1991,720-723.

Political philosophy enjoyed a questionable status within the discipline of political science during the post World WarⅡera. The efforts of behavioralists to equate political philosophy with antiquarianism and to deny the validity of qualitative analysis had convinced many political scientists that knowledge gained from studying the history of western political thought was no longer relevant. p.720

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Democracy and the Policy Sciences: Aspirations and operations. By Peter deLeon Policy Studies Journal, Vol.22, No. 2, Summer, 1994,200-213.

In Lasswell's words (1951, p. 15), "the policy sciences of democracy" were "directed towards knowledge needed to improve the practice of democracy." p.200

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The policy sciences redux: new roads to post-positivism. By Peter deLeon Policy Studies Journal, Vol.22, No. 1, Spring, 1994,176-184.

The policy sciences have traditionally been oriented towards a positivist epistemological perspective, with economics and many of its applied methodologies serving as the sine qua non of the approach. For a number of reasons, however, these approaches have recently been described as inadequate by themselves in understanding policy dilemmas, let alone prescribing policy remedies. p.176

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